Fasting Q&A with Dr Jason Fung: Iron Deficiency, High Histamine Levels, Dry Fasting, Mitophagy, Benefits of Vinegar, and More.

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The Fasting Method

Episode #189

In this Fasting Q&A episode, hosted by Coach Lisa Chance, Dr. Jason Fung answers questions from the TFM Community:

  1. I’ve been fasting for six months and was surprised to discover on my annual screening that I am in the early stages of iron deficiency. I am post-menopausal, typically eat red meat twice a week, and fast twice a week. I have been restricting my protein intake but have been taking iron supplements. Should I take iron supplements when I am fasting and are there other things I should consider with fasting as a way of life? [02:03]
  2. I recently found out I have high histamine, either from diet and/or not being able to process it. I was wondering if longer fasts, say over 24 hours, would help to get rid of high histamine and settle my body down? [05:37]
  3. I can physically feel when I am losing weight. I feel a mild tingling on the back of my thighs and glutes. It doesn’t really bother me and I look forward to the sensation as I know I am headed in the right direction. Is there a name for this sensation and is it a cellular, biochemical function? I like to think of it as fat cells dissolving! [09:41]
  4. What are your thoughts on dry fasting? [12:58]
  5. What is the allowable ketone level while fasting for two to three days (on a strict ketogenic/carnivore diet), and at what level should you break your fast? [15:36]
  6. If you have a lot of weight to lose and a lot of extra skin, how much dietary protein do you really need to eat during your meals? Don’t you want your body to scavenge that extra protein? Does it make a difference to fast with water, salt, and magnesium only, as opposed to using fasting aids such as bone broth? [17:47]
  7. How does fasting affect blood circulation? [20:16]
  8. Please can you explain the difference between autophagy and chaperone autophagy? [21:30]
  9. Can you please explain what is happening when you take vinegar to reduce the impact of blood sugar spikes after eating? [23:02]
  10. I don’t seem to be able to get beyond 50 hours when doing longer fasts. Is there a reason for this or is it just that 50 hours is my sweet spot when it comes to fasting? [27:43]

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